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Standing Committee on Legislation

John Main 

Cathy Towtongie 

Tony Akoak
Joelie Kaernerk
Pauloosie Keyootak
Adam Arreak Lightstone
Patterk Netser
Calvin Pedersen
David Qamaniq
Emiliano Qirngnuq
Allan Rumbolt
Craig Simailak

Committee Clerks: John Quirke and Stephen Innuksuk
Research and Policy Analysts: Alex Baldwin and Siobhan Moss
Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel: Michael Chandler  

The mandate of the Standing Committee on Legislation is to:

  • Consider legislative proposals;
  • Consider bills referred by the House after second reading, pursuant to the Rules of the Legislative Assembly;
  • Consider regulations and other statutory instruments;
  • Consider any other matter referred by the House.